+1 vote
in General Factchecking by Newbie (380 points)

Surgical Margins - Make real-time surgical margin assessment with the help of MarginProbe. Learn more about this innovative technology here.

⚫ However, determining if the margins are clean requires the work of a pathologist reviewing tissue long past the conclusion of the surgical procedure.

⚫ Intraoperative margin assessment consists primarily of visual inspection, palpation, and specimen imaging techniques which surgeons agree are less than reliable.

⚫ The MarginProbe System is designed to give today’s surgeons a significant new advantage in margin assessment. In a procedure of roughly five minutes, MarginProbe provides real-time, detailed information to help a surgeon decide whether additional tissue should be taken, or whether to complete the lumpectomy procedure and close the incision.

Read More now at marginprobe

1 Answer

+1 vote
by Journeyman (2.2k points)
Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7201251/


It appears that the Margin Probe's ability to remove cancer in one round is due to its ability to asses the margins of the cancerous tissue on a microscopic level to make sure it is all removed. Previously doctors would cut out the visible cancerous tissue, which could potentially leave some left behind that is unseen to the naked eye. The product's goal is the make sure the women under going the lumpectomy surgeries for breast cancer do not have to have a second surgery to remove the remaining tissue.

The use of the Margin Probe has decreased the rate of having cancer cells at the edge of the lumpectomy, but is not 100% successful in all cases. The probe decreased the rate of cancer cells left behind by 11%. Another issue with the probe is that it is overly sensitive and over 50% of the time it registered non-cancerous tissue as cancerous tissue that did not actually need to be cut out.

The probe is expensive and not 100% accurate but it does decrease the chance of a potential secondary surgery

Exaggerated/ Misleading
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
No available information
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Genius (43.1k points)
Thanks for the explanation. Did all your information came from curetoday.com and the research paper? It's best to attribute your information to your source (re: According to XXXX, the probe is not 100% accurate...").

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