2 Answers

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by Novice (820 points)
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Best answer

This is false. There are no articles or interviews reporting on the claim that Hillary Clinton will leave the United States if Trump "acts on" Epstein, and no statement or post confirming this claim on Clinton's website or social media. This claim seems to originate from a post on X stating, "Hillary Clinton says she will leave the United States if Elon Musk releases the Epstein Client List." The claim in that post was also discovered to be untrue based on the lack of reports or evidence.

FACT CHECK: Did Hillary Clinton Say She’ll Leave The US If Elon Musk Releases Epstein’s Client List?

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by Novice (560 points)

This claim is false. After looking through Hillary Clinton's social media accounts and public appearances, there was no mention of leaving the United States if Trump "acts on Epstein." In fact, according to AP News, the Clintons urged voters to remain involved in politics amid how the recent election played out.

Source: https://apnews.com/article/bill-hillary-clinton-library-little-rock-trump-b9fd56cc6927e08910ac76100d0d105d


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